hcg questions

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What is the HCG Diet?

The HCG diet is an eating plan designed to help users lose weight rapidly, based around taking Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) injections while following a very restricted calorie diet. It has been reported that users can typically lose up to 1 pound a day with this diet. However there is few scientific evidence supporting this claim. So the science community points to the low calorie diet as the main contributing factor. In the 50’s Dr. Simeons invented the program and the administration of  gonadotropin was a major factor, curbing the hunger and changing metabolic functions, as he laid out in his studies.

How much weight can i expect to lose in 25 days on the hcg?

Generally, it is believed that people can lose up to 25 pounds in the 25 day window if all instructions are followed closely. This rapid rate of weight loss results from a combination of following an extremely low daily-calorie intake and taking regular HCG injections as prescribed, to curb appetite and trigger weight loss mechanics. It should be noted however, that no two bodies react exactly the same: so individual results may vary significantly compared with this baseline estimate.

Does HCG Diet really work?

HCG is no longer an approved drug for the treatment of obesity, while it is still used for IVF treatments. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) removed HCG from its list of accepted treatments due to the lack of reliable evidence regarding efficacy. This led to many doctors ceasing to prescribe this medication as a weight loss solution. HCG may still be obtained through online sources and for self-administration.

Does HCG reduce/burn belly fat?

The impact of HCG on belly fat has been debated for years, eliciting a range of emotions when shared. Some tout its ability to dramatically slim stubborn abdominal fat with consistent results; while others claim that it may have limited effects on reducing this stubborn area.

How long can you stay on the HCG diet at a time?

The amount of time a person can safely follow the hCG diet varies depending on individual health, lifestyle habits and goals. Most individuals are recommended to stay on the diet for 60 days followed by an 8-week period where calories increase gradually as you reintroduce certain food types back into your diet.

How do I start the HCG diet?

You should start the hCG diet by talking to your doctor first. They will be able to give you more personalised advice and let you know whether or not the diet is right for you. Once your doctor has given their approval, follow the instructions outlined in the hCG Diet Protocol created by Dr. Simeons and make sure to stick with it closely over a period of 25-50 days. That means following an low calorie diet (500 calories per day, these days 800kcal/day acceptable), taking prescribed doses of hCG, drinking plenty of water throughout the day, monitoring yourself regularly for any adverse effects from taking HCG, keeping track of daily progress and weight loss goals.

What are the side effects of the HCG diet?

The hCG diet can have mild to more severe side effects, including fatigue, headaches, mood swings, hormone-related issues (ovarian hyperstimulation in women and gynecomastia in men), gallstones, nutrient deficiencies, electrolyte imbalances, hair loss and potential weight regain.

How fast do you lose weight on the HCG diet?

Weight loss on the hCG diet can be rapid, with some individuals claiming to lose up to 1-2 pounds (0.45-0.9 kg) per day during the initial phase of this restrictive program. However, it is important to note that these results may vary from person to person and that losing weight at such a fast rate comes with potential health risks and side effects mentioned previously. Additionally, maintaining long-term weight loss after stopping the hCG diet might prove challenging since lifestyle changes are not necessarily promoted within the plan.

How fast do you lose weight on the HCG diet?

The Simeons HCG protocol, also known as the original HCG diet, typically involves daily injections of HCG for a period of either 23 to 26 days or 40 to 50 days, depending on your weight loss goals and recommendations from a healthcare professional.

What is TRT?

TRT stands for Testosterone Replacement Therapy. It is a medical treatment primarily prescribed for men who have low testosterone levels due to various reasons, such as aging (also known as “andropause” or “late-onset hypogonadism”), testicular injuries, cancer therapy side effects, or certain medical conditions affecting hormone production.

What are symptoms of low testosterone?

Testosterone replacement therapy aims to restore testosterone levels closer to the normal range and alleviate symptoms associated with low testosterone, such as:

– Decreased libido or sexual dysfunction
– Fatigue and lack of energy
– Muscle weakness or loss of muscle mass
– Reduced bone density (osteoporosis)
– Mood issues like depression and irritability

Who is affected?

Recent studies have shown that low testosterone levels may affect a sizable percentage of males. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that low total testosterone levels, defined as 300ng/dL or less, may affect one in four males over the age of 30.

But only around one in twenty men with low testosterone may experience clinical symptoms. Factors such as testosterone levels and symptoms of hormone deficit were monitored in this study using data from nearly 1500 male participants in the Boston Area Community Health Survey. The number of males in the United States with androgen insufficiency is expected to rise dramatically as the male population continues to age.

Among men over the age of 70, over 18% match the requirements for this deficit. There may be as many as 6.5 million American males (30-79) experiencing symptoms of androgen insufficiency by 2025. The dangers and benefits of testosterone therapy for people with clinical androgen insufficiency still need more study.

How to test myself for low testosterone?

To find out how much testosterone you have, you will need a blood test done by a doctor or in a lab that has been approved. There are also test kits you can order and ship back to a lab to get the result.

What does hcg do for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)?

Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is sometimes used alongside testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) to help alleviate some potential side effects of TRT, particularly those related to testicular function and fertility.

When men undergo TRT, their natural production of testosterone may decrease due to the feedback mechanism that occurs when exogenous hormone supply suppresses the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis. This can then lead to a reduction in testicle size as well as sperm production.

HCG is similar in structure and function to luteinizing hormone (LH), which is naturally produced by the pituitary gland and plays an essential role in stimulating testosterone production within the Leydig cells found inside testicles. By adding HCG into a TRT regimen, it mimics LH’s action, thereby helping maintain or restore:

1. Testicular size: Preventing possible atrophy caused by low levels of endogenous LH during regular TRT treatments.

2. Sperm production: Ensuring preservation or improvement of overall male fertility while receiving supplemental hormones from external sources like injections/gels/patches etcetera—as suggested above regarding its impact upon making more T molecules available throughout bodily tissues).

Can too much testosterone cause ED (erectile dysfunction)?

Yes, having too much testosterone can cause problems with erections, or erectile dysfunction (ED). People usually think that low testosterone causes ED, but having a lot of it can also lead to issues. But the emphasis is on A LOT. When there’s too much testosterone in your body, some of it changes into estrogen. High levels of estrogen in boys and men might lead to hormone imbalances that affect sexual performance.

Also, taking very high doses of artificial testosterone—like the kind found in some steroids—can increase the risk for heart problems and change the amounts of fats in your blood. Both factors can lead to developing ED.

People under treatment should regularly check their hormone levels and create suitable treatment plans with a doctor, so they avoid causing any health problems while trying to improve those hormonal balances.

How much hcg to take with Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)?

The proper dosage of HCG to take with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can vary for each individual, depending on factors like age, weight, and specific goals of the treatment. And of course the current levels of the hormone in the body measured.

For reference purposes only, some common protocols followed by doctors may involve administering 250-500 IU (international units) of HCG two or three times per week in conjunction with TRT. In some cases, higher doses up to 1000 IU might be recommended by physicians—but again—it’s crucial always involving personalized input from skilled medical specialists remains indispensable; they’ll evaluate both existing conditions plus desired outcomes while creating tailored approaches.

What is Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) made of and how can hcg help?

TRT is administered through various products that contain synthetic testosterone:

1. Testosterone injections: Patients receive intramuscular injections of testosterone cypionate, enanthate, or propionate at regular intervals (e.g., every week or two).

2. Testosterone gels and creams: Topical solutions containing synthetic testosterone are applied directly onto the skin daily for absorption into the bloodstream.

3. Testosterone patches: These adhesive patches are placed on the skin and release a steady dose of testosterone throughout the day; they need to be replaced typically once a day.

4. Subcutaneous pellets: Small hormone pellets are implanted under the skin by a healthcare professional and provide continuous hormone delivery for several months before needing replacement.

Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) can be incorporated alongside TRT to address potential side effects related to testicular function and fertility when using exogenous testosterone supplementation. HCG resembles luteinizing hormone (LH), which stimulates natural production of testosterone within the testicles.

By administering HCG along with TRT, it helps maintaining testicular size and sperm production as explained earlier.

When incorporating HCG into a TRT regimen, it is usually administered through subcutaneous injections at doses determined by a healthcare professional based on individual needs. Some common protocols involve administering 250-500 IU (international units) of HCG two or three times per week along with the chosen TRT method.

Does hcg raise testosterone levels?

Research on the effects of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) on testosterone levels is still in its early stages, but there is some evidence that suggests it may increase testosterone production. A 2018 study investigated the effects of hCG on testosterone levels in men with low testosterone and found that, on average, there was a 49.9% increase in testosterone levels and 50% of the participants reported an improvement in related symptoms such as low libido and lack of energy.

While the findings are promising, the study had several limitations including a small sample size, lack of a control group, and non-randomized structure. More high-quality studies are needed to determine the extent to which hCG can raise testosterone levels.

However, unlike traditional testosterone replacement therapy, hCG treatment is less likely to adversely affect fertility, although it may cause gynecomastia in some men. More research is necessary to determine the safe and effective dosage of hCG for the treatment of low testosterone levels. [1][2]

What are potential side effects in men using hcg?

Potential side effects for men using HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) include:

1. Acne
2. Fluid retention, which can lead to swelling in the legs and ankles
3. Fatigue or tiredness
4. Breast tenderness and enlargement (gynecomastia)
5. Headaches
6. Mood swings, irritability, or depression

These side effects may not occur in every individual who takes HCG injections, but it’s crucial to be aware of them nonetheless.

What methods of payment do you accept?

We accept Debit and Credit Cards. Payment options are subject to change and are displayed on the checkout page.

How to buy bitcoin with credit card and pay for my order?

Here are 3 websites you can check to purchase bitcoin with your credit card. The procedure is generally similar: Moonpay.com, Crypto.com, Coinbase.com

  • Enter the amount in BTC or fiat currency that you wish to purchase. (Use only the total order amount of your purchase on our website shown during checkout, but add some $ extra for transaction fees)
  • Enter your BTC wallet address (use our wallet address, displayed during checkout – if you do not have a wallet address)
  • Verify your email and basic information
  • You’re now ready to buy Bitcoin with a credit card or your preferred payment method!
  • If a btc wallet is created for you during the creation process, then use the ‘send btc’ function after you have the Bitcoin in your account and use our btc wallet shown during checkout as the receiver. Only send the quoted btc amount shown during checkout.

Is your website and my data secure?

We employ the widely recognized 256-bit SSL technology to ensure the security of our customers. This means that all data submitted to us is safely encrypted, providing you with peace of mind as your information remains protected.

Do your prices include taxes?

Please note that our website does not calculate or include any taxes, as this is not applicable for our services. Any financial transactions conducted through our platform will be exclusive of tax considerations.

My order was declined/pending?

Declined Status:

Make sure your Debit/Credit card has enough coverage for the purchase. You can always try a different card. If your bank flagged the charge, please inform them to allow it through.

In all your correspondence with your bank never mention that you are purchasing pharmaceutical or weight loss products.

Pending Status:

If your order appears in a ‘pending’ status, this indicates that we are collaborating with our third-party payment processor to verify your transaction. This verification procedure serves as an essential security measure to prevent credit card fraud and restrict minors from accessing pharmaceutical products.

Additionally, our customer service may call you for verification purposes. Please recognize that this is a legitimate aspect of the process to ensure safety; hence, it’s crucial for you to cooperate fully with these verification requests, resulting in timely order approvals and seamless overall processing.

What is the charge description on my card?

You will receive a payment confirmation email showing the charge, how it appears on your statement. Please take note of this.

I did not receive a tracking ID?

Please be advised that the processes of payment approval, fraud verification, packaging, and shipment dispatch may require 2-3 working days. As soon as your tracking number is updated, you will automatically receive a notification via email. If this allotted time has elapsed and you have not received any such email correspondence, kindly examine your spam or junk mail folders to verify if the information was mistakenly directed there.

If you still cannot locate any relevant communications after checking those folders and surpassing the specified timeframe, please contact our support team at support@usahcg.com with your order ID# so we can provide additional assistance regarding your order.

The product was damaged when received.

We are committed to ensuring customer satisfaction, and as such, we will promptly replace any damaged products at no additional cost to you. If you receive a damaged item, please take photographs of the product’s condition and email them to our support team at support@usahcg.com. We will then handle the necessary steps for replacement so that your order is fulfilled according to your expectations.

The shipment shows as delivered in the tracking info, but i did not receive it?

First thing would be to check with someone in your household if they received the shipment while you were not there. Please understand that we cannot accept responsibility in instances where the tracking information indicates a successful delivery to your address, but you claim not to have received the shipment. It is imperative for customers to ensure that the provided shipping address is secure and well suited for receiving deliveries.

We strongly encourage all of our customers to thoroughly verify their shipping addresses when placing an order and maintain clear communication with local postal carriers. Properly monitoring tracking updates can also contribute significantly toward preventing lost or missing packages.

In case you experience any issues concerning your package’s delivery status or location, don’t hesitate to reach out to us so that we may offer guidance on how best to resolve such matters efficiently while maintaining customer satisfaction as our utmost priority.

What is your shipping cost?

We offer free shipping to customers for any order over USD 300. For order amounts below USD 300 a shipping rate of $25 is applied per shipment.

What shipping method is used and how long till delivery?

International express shipping time frame: 5-15 working days. Delivered through USPS.

Do you ship internationally?

We ship to limited international locations. Please check if your country is accepted during the checkout process. International orders may exceed the standard delivery times.

When will my order be shipped?

Shipments are generally packed and shipped out 48 hours after the order was placed. Shipments are not sent out on the weekends.

How do I track my order?

We will provide you with a tracking link 2-3 days after your order was placed. Please note we do not work on weekends.

What is your return policy?

To initiate a return, products must be unopened, unused, and the process started within 30 days of the initial purchase date. Kindly contact our customer service team at support@usahcg.com to obtain a return authorization.

After receiving your returned item, we will examine it for eligibility. If approved for a return, a refund will be issued to your original payment method within 5-7 business days. Be aware that refunds processed through credit cards may take up to a month or longer to appear on your card statement.

Who has to cover the return shipping cost?

The customer is required to cover the return shipping cost.